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Indice degli aggiornamenti  27/10/18
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Formule e argomenti di matematica, fisica e scienze
Albert Einstein: ... la nostra conoscenza, se paragonata alla realta' e' primitiva e infantile. Eppure e' il bene piu' grande che possediamo.
... all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike-and yet it is the most precious thing we have.

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Mathematics : Symbols, letters, constants


Set symbols

Symbols for sets: intervals, min, max

Set in or out element. Math, comparison symbols, equal, greater than and others

Math Symbols, Comparison, equal, greater than, less then etc..

Math operators, symbols of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Logical opearators.

Math and logical operators symbols, addition, subtraction, multiplication

Math group symbols, Brackets. Infinity symbols.

Math Symbols, Brackets and infinity

Differential calcululs, symbols of limit.

Math Symbols, Differential calcululs, limits

Math, Differential calcululs, symbols of derivatives and integrals.

Math Symbols, Differential calcululs, derivatives and integrals

Math summation and series

Math Symbols, Series.

Math , logarithms, Pi, Euler's constant and others

Math Symbols, Logarithms, Exponentiation, Pi and other constants

Math, complex numbers and conjunction, degrees and radians

Math Symbols, Complex numbers, angles, degrees and radians

Geometry , symbols of trigonometric functions, sin, cosine , tangent etc..

Math, geometry, symbols of Trigonometric functions

Geometry , symbols of hyperbolic trigonometric functions, sinh, cosh , tanh etc..

Math, geometry, symbols of Hyperbolic Trigonometric functions

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Frattali di Mandelbrot
Benoit Mandelbrot e la Geometria Frattale. Introduzione e immagini.

Statistica e giochi

Lotto e superEnalotto
Una sintetica comparazione statistica e finanziaria dei due giochi.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last update:  27/10/2018
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